Your CRM and Personal Planner!

The first fully customized CRM which includes the immediate display of the events related to the contact who is calling.

People In Focus (PIF), the first APP for the management of your business, your clients, your contacts and events to attend. The first and only APP to give you the opportunity to access the activities agreed with the caller while the phone is ringing! The APP is designed to be a personal tool that you can carry with you and where you can write any kind of information that can serve both your profession and for your personal life. It is much more than a CRM!


Use PIF as "Plan of the day" Choose "Tasks" and take note of the tasks you have to do, give them priorities and link them to dates and persons. PIF will give you a complete overview and help you manage them throughout the day.

Use PIF as CRM Choose "Case" from the menu and insert your cases, your customers, and what is useful for you to manage your business. When your client calls you will immediately have all informations on your phone while the phone is ringing.

Use PIF as organizer of Events Choose "Events" from the menu to organize and plan your events or to schedule events you participate (meetings, conferences, etc.). PIF gives you the opportunity to enter all contacts that will participate to the event.

As of today you no longer need to remember everything: PIF does it for you. And not only that! How many times contacts with whom we agreed activities call us or any other call where it would be nice to have certain information before responding? PIF comes here with its innovative "On Call Window" and gives you this opportunity.


Let PIF always be active in your mobile unit. Immediately after receiving a phone call you will see a screen inviting you to enter information related to the call. Enter the information agreed upon during the phone call so that you can follow it up as Tasks to do. Before answering a call look at the screen. You'll see a "On Call Window" that will give you information and status on the contact that is calling you. The data that you choose to show in this window will be easily determined by you in "Settings". When you register a new Case, enter into "Case Type" the name of the company. This will allow you to easily find the Cases related to that company. Alternatively you can also use this field to enter the type of Case rather than the company

Many other possibilities to discover for yourself as you use People In Focus.


One of a kind


On Call Screen
In the modern hectic life it is often hard to remember everything that has been agreed upon with everyone. Having it listed while the phone rings helps in nurturing your relationships in the best possible way.


Available on Google Play Store
Try it free for 1 month. The annual cost is 14,50 dollars ... yes! you read that right!

Visit here PIF's website and download the APP